Understanding Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

September 1, 2024

One of the biggest hot topics in the HVAC industry today is indoor air quality. Since it has been estimated that indoor air quality can be up to five times worse than outdoor air quality, air quality has become a real cause of concern for most homeowners. We’re going to go over what indoor air quality also known as IAQ is and what you can do to improve it in your home below. What Is Indoor Air Quality? It’s important to realize that indoor air quality is directly related to how it affects the health and

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How to Improve Indoor Air Quality During Allergy Season

February 14, 2024

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), effective allergy and asthma control starts indoors. By turning your living space into a “clean-air sanctuary,” you can protect vulnerable residents from the high concentrations of pollen, mold, dander, and other triggers that lie just outside. While your HVAC air filter can certainly help, you may need additional support to protect and improve the indoor air quality (IAQ) in your Bellevue, NE home. The following are five easy ways to give your IAQ a boost this allergy season. 1. Establish the Right Filter Change Schedule Many

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5 Benefits of Cleaning Your Air Ducts

March 13, 2023

Air ducts connect your HVAC equipment with air vents throughout your house. The HVAC unit pulls air via an intake vent and later cools or heats that air. The unit then forces that heated or conditioned air through the ductwork and the vents throughout your home to maintain comfortable temperatures. As long as your air ducts are clean, the air that circulates in your home is healthy and safe. However, if your ducts become clogged or dirty, toxins can pass through your house, forcing your HVAC equipment to work harder than usual. Therefore, cleaning your air ducts can make a

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Is an Air Filtration System Worth It?

February 14, 2023

Breathing Easier: Unpacking the Value of an Air Filtration System Air filtration systems are becoming more popular among homeowners as they become aware of the quality of the air they’re breathing inside their homes. There are many benefits to having a clean and filtered air supply, including improved health, reduced allergies, and even increased energy efficiency. What Is an Air Filtration System? First, let’s talk about indoor air quality. We often think of outdoor air pollution as being the main contributor to poor air quality, but the truth is that indoor air can be even

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Ways to Increase the Indoor Air Quality in Your Home This Winter

November 18, 2021

Most homes have poor indoor air quality, especially in the winter. Doors and windows are shut, so pollutants stay around instead of escaping outdoors. There are several ways to improve your home’s indoor air quality, though, so you can breathe easier and live a healthier life. Improve Ventilation Ventilation improves the air quality in your home. It brings in fresh air and pushes out stagnant, unhealthy air. The easiest way to improve ventilation is to open windows when you can. Take advantage of temperate winter days to clean your home’s air. Clean Your

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How Candles Affect Indoor Air Quality

May 7, 2021

Since you spend so much time inside of your home, your house’s indoor air quality is very important. You can improve the air quality by reducing or eliminating the use of candles. How Candles Reduce Air Quality The EPA stated in 2001 that most candles, especially scented ones, reduce indoor air quality. They release pollutants in quantities that are unsafe to breathe. Many of the scented oils they use aren’t fit for combustion. Candles also produce soot, which isn’t healthy to breathe. Don’t Burn Candles in Unventilated Rooms If you must

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5 Common Household Products That Pollute Your Home’s Air

July 16, 2020

It’s likely that the air in your home is five times more polluted than outdoor air. Since you spend up to 90% of your time indoors, low indoor air quality is a major concern. Here are five common household products you likely own that are polluting your air: 1. Cleaning Products Cleaning products emit a lot of VOCs (volatile organic compounds). You can reduce the concentration of VOCs in your home by choosing unscented cleaners. Even better, use natural products instead, such as water, vinegar and baking soda. 2. Air Fresheners A

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