Maintenance for Your Gas Furnace

November 13, 2023

Your gas furnace works hard to keep you warm during the blistering cold winters in the Bellevue area. You want your home heating machine to function without failure during these cold months, and so do our reputable HVAC technicians at Apollo Heating & Air Conditioning. Conducting routine maintenance and tune-ups on your gas furnace before the cold sets in can help prolong the life of your unit and protect you from bitter cold temperatures. During your gas furnace inspection and tune-up, there are several things our technicians check. Read on for a list of some of the services included on our routine maintenance checklist.

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Understanding the Furnace Tune-Up: What to Expect

October 23, 2023

As autumn’s cool breeze gives way to winter’s chill, homeowners begin thinking about their heating systems. A crucial but often overlooked component of this preparation is the furnace tune-up. Much like a car requiring regular maintenance to run efficiently and safely, your furnace benefits from periodic check-ups to ensure optimal performance. Our team at Apollo Heating & Air Conditioning is ready to ensure your home’s furnace is ready to keep you warm all winter long. What Does a Furnace Tune-Up Involve? The process of tuning up a furnace begins with thoroughly inspecting the system. This includes checking the vent system

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8 Most Common Furnace Problems and How to Resolve Them

September 11, 2023

Furnaces play an integral role in keeping our homes warm and comfortable, especially during the chilly winter months. However, like any mechanical system, furnaces aren’t immune to issues. Understanding the most common problems that can arise with heating systems is essential for homeowners to ensure efficient functioning and avoid unexpected breakdowns. Let’s dive into the top furnace problems and potential solutions to keep your home cozy throughout the year. 1. Lack of Maintenance One of the primary culprits behind furnace problems is a lack of regular maintenance. Over time, dust, debris, and other particles accumulate within

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Is It Difficult to Upgrade Your Regular Thermostat to a Smart One?

August 21, 2023

Smart thermostats have advanced technology like Wi-Fi connectivity and learning capabilities. This makes it easier for homeowners to remotely regulate their home’s temperature. It may sound like smart thermostats are too advanced to be compatible with an older home’s system. However, this is not the case. Learn more about how a smart thermostat can add convenience to your life. How Hard Is Installing a Smart Thermostat in an Older Home? The first step in your installation process will be ensuring compatibility. Your installer will learn more about the current thermostat, its wiring, and how your home’s

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The Economics of Geothermal Heating and Cooling

July 24, 2023

When we bring up the topic of geothermal HVAC with most homeowners, the first thing they ask is how much it’ll cost. This is because geothermal HVAC systems have a reputation for being quite expensive. However, upfront costs alone aren’t necessarily the best way to evaluate the viability of geothermal as an HVAC option here in Bellevue, NE. Instead, it’s necessary to examine both sides of the ledger—total costs and savings—to come up with an accurate viability assessment. Here’s everything you need to know about the economics of geothermal HVAC. The Costs of Geothermal HVAC Any

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What Does a Standard AC Installation Entail?

June 14, 2023

Are you looking to install a new central AC unit or replace your existing unit? If so, you obviously want to know a bit about what you can expect and what all is involved in the process. Installing a new AC unit or an entire air conditioning system is a complicated process that involves several different steps, and today we’re going to explain what the steps are for AC installation and why each one is important. AC Sizing Whenever installing a new AC unit, the process always starts with evaluating the home to determine what

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Troubleshooting 6 Common AC Problems

May 3, 2023

When the temperature starts rising and you turn on your air conditioner, the last thing you want is a problem where your equipment isn’t properly cooling your home. A common knee-jerk reaction is a sinking feeling, wondering how much the repair is going to cost or if you’ll need a new system. Before allowing the stress to take hold, consider these six common AC problems and the best way to troubleshoot them. 1. AC Won’t Turn On The most obvious problem you’ll notice is when your unit won’t turn on. There are a multitude of reasons

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How Often Should You Have Maintenance for Your AC?

April 11, 2023

You don’t have to wait until summer temperatures rise to ensure that your air conditioning system is in good working order. As experts in the field, our technicians at Apollo Heating & Air Conditioning recommend regular maintenance that takes the guesswork out of turning on the cooling system. In addition, these maintenance appointments can extend the system’s lifespan. But how often is enough? Benefits of Regular AC Maintenance Knowing the benefits of regular maintenance appointments can help you gauge whether it’s time to call out our technicians. For example, one of the greatest benefits of AC maintenance is improved efficiency.

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5 Benefits of Cleaning Your Air Ducts

March 13, 2023

Air ducts connect your HVAC equipment with air vents throughout your house. The HVAC unit pulls air via an intake vent and later cools or heats that air. The unit then forces that heated or conditioned air through the ductwork and the vents throughout your home to maintain comfortable temperatures. As long as your air ducts are clean, the air that circulates in your home is healthy and safe. However, if your ducts become clogged or dirty, toxins can pass through your house, forcing your HVAC equipment to work harder than usual. Therefore, cleaning your air ducts can make a

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Is an Air Filtration System Worth It?

February 14, 2023

Breathing Easier: Unpacking the Value of an Air Filtration System Air filtration systems are becoming more popular among homeowners as they become aware of the quality of the air they’re breathing inside their homes. There are many benefits to having a clean and filtered air supply, including improved health, reduced allergies, and even increased energy efficiency. What Is an Air Filtration System? First, let’s talk about indoor air quality. We often think of outdoor air pollution as being the main contributor to poor air quality, but the truth is that indoor air can be even

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